
Fast Friends

Me and Karen the day before my twins were born at 37 weeks.
Karen's identical twin girls were born 6 days later at 32 weeks.

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another:

"What! You, too? Thought I was the only one."

- C. S. Lewis

The Parent-to-Parent group at the hospital supports the hospitalized mothers as well as the parents with babies in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Parent-to-Parent has a little luncheon with the moms on Tuesdays.

I was lucky to meet Karen there. She was also expecting twins and we became fast friends. We supported each other during our hospital stay and after the birth of our babies. I don't know how I would have gotten through the first few months without Karen. She was my Twin Mom Support Group.

H & B's first birthday party
One year later. We did it. We survived the first year with twins.

Karen and I went to the U for a Tuesday luncheon with the bedrest moms to deliver the gift baskets last year.

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